[discuss] request for comment on potential CLUE program
G. Matthew Rice
2010-05-20 17:24:59 UTC
Hi everyone,

I don't know how many old timers are around that remember me shooting
my mouth off about "Adopt an NGO" about 6 years ago:


Well, with a little help from some friends, we've got a beta of a
volunteer matching site up and running. The intended use of this site
is to serve people looking for help in deciding on or making a move to
Free and Open Source Software. Some help jumping that chasm.

Also, I encourage any consultants and businesses to register. Nothing
like pro bono work to increase your network and experience points. :)

Anyway, if you would like to volunteer to help someone (or an NGO, or
incorp or whatever; we dropped the NGO part) or look for a volunteer
to help you, consider trying out the beta site and providing some


PS - The name has also been changed from "Adopt an NGO" to the much
cooler sounding FOSSter (as in "foster v. adopt"...after all, the
intent is to help someone for the duration of a project and not to
create a permanent adoption). Comments on the name are welcome, too.

G. Matthew Rice <***@starnix.com> gpg id: EF9AAD20