Russell McOrmond
2011-12-20 14:58:28 UTC
Last Thursday the House of Commons adjourned, meaning MPs are in
their respective ridings until the end of January. As I wrote in , this is an important time for us to get in touch
with them.
For the Canadian FLOSS community, the focus needs to be on
"technological protection measures". I've come to believe that
anything we say about the Copyright parts of the bill will serve as a
distraction from the Paracopyright parts which represent the greatest
threat to software choice and thus FLOSS. I also believe politicians
are knowingly making policy choices on Copyright, but that they don't
understand technology enough to understand the impacts of Paracopyright.
I've sent messages to try to meet my own MP on this issue again, and
hope that other people will as well. The more technical people talk to
MPs about the Paracopyright aspects of C-11, the more chance we have of
avoiding the harm the passage of the current bill will have to our sector.
I'm here to help if anyone wants to discuss the policy itself, and
why I've taken the focus that I have.
their respective ridings until the end of January. As I wrote in , this is an important time for us to get in touch
with them.
For the Canadian FLOSS community, the focus needs to be on
"technological protection measures". I've come to believe that
anything we say about the Copyright parts of the bill will serve as a
distraction from the Paracopyright parts which represent the greatest
threat to software choice and thus FLOSS. I also believe politicians
are knowingly making policy choices on Copyright, but that they don't
understand technology enough to understand the impacts of Paracopyright.
I've sent messages to try to meet my own MP on this issue again, and
hope that other people will as well. The more technical people talk to
MPs about the Paracopyright aspects of C-11, the more chance we have of
avoiding the harm the passage of the current bill will have to our sector.
I'm here to help if anyone wants to discuss the policy itself, and
why I've taken the focus that I have.
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
Please help us tell the Canadian Parliament to protect our property
rights as owners of Information Technology. Sign the petition!
"The government, lobbied by legacy copyright holders and hardware
manufacturers, can pry my camcorder, computer, home theatre, or
portable media player from my cold dead hands!"
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
Please help us tell the Canadian Parliament to protect our property
rights as owners of Information Technology. Sign the petition!
"The government, lobbied by legacy copyright holders and hardware
manufacturers, can pry my camcorder, computer, home theatre, or
portable media player from my cold dead hands!"